Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello Sunday!
Hello pretty hair for church....

Hello 76 degrees and the afternoon at the Park!

Hello Olivia :)

Hello old friends....

Hello new friends......

HELLLLOOOO nap time!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Field Trip!

Today was field trip day for Olivia.  We dropped Hannah off at school.  A very disappointed voice quietly from the back seat "Man Olivia I wish I could come with you."  Of course sister reassured you that we would check it out and see if would be a fun place to go back as a family. 

Olivia you were so stressed about being late for your field trip.  I think you were just used to being at school at 7:45am before the carline even starts.  Today we dropped Hannah off at 8am so when we go to your school I could just stay with you.  I got a time check from the back seat every minute on the dot along with a reminder that we had to be there by 8:30am.  No matter how faithful I am to my word you still have your doubts but we made it with plenty of time!

We set out to the Moravian Cookie Factory.  It was the oldest building with the oldest office furniture, oldest computers, oldest phones, etc.  I got the impression after about 30mins that the only thing keeping the kids attention was all the cookies they let you try.  After about an hour we were off to CiCi's Pizza. 

The teachers do a great job of not only treating you like little adults but also like it is a real treat to get out.  They let you all serve your own food, drinks, dessert and pick your own seats.  I guess I felt like even though I was there you should get all the priviledges of the party so I let you go at it.  Before we left you had 2 pieces of pizza, 4 breadsticks, 2 brownies, 2 bowls of croutons (yes plain croutons?) and 2 cups of Dr. Pepper.  Wow you would think that I never fed you. 

I sat with you and about 7 of your friends.  All the girls giggled and talked about who was boyfriends with who.  I was amazed to see two kids holding hands and hearing you guys say that they looked like they were out on a real date.  WHAT!?!  Can't even believe you all know what all that means at such a young age.  Then of course we all talked about Justin Bieber and he's my boyfriend I went to see his movie, no he's my boyfriend I went to see his concert, no he's my boyfriend I celebrated his birthday yesterday......  Girls!  I had to go sit with the teachers!

It was a fun day. I was proud to see how well you all behaved and how well you did on the bus ride.  We surprised Hannah by picking her up a little early from school.  She was happy to see us and everyone was very tired.  Fast to sleep after a long day!

Oh and did I mention that you were very specific about wanting your hair parted to the side in a small ponytail and the rest down today?  Yeah and so tonight we put it back for dinner and add that to the large sweatshirt your daddy let you wear I got a glimps of what you will look like when you are setting off to college :{  I guess minus the missing tooth!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Got It!

The Beiber fever is still going strong.  We where shopping the other day and you girls spotted these night shirts and couldn't live without of course.  I have to admit they are pretty cute.

The only problem is that today...............Hannah refused to take her's off!  So off to school you went.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Church Girls

We have all been fighting some type of sickness since Christmas it feels like.  We were finally all feeling healthy again and excited to go back to church.  But not before striking a pose!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bieber Fever

Well its and your friends have Beiber Fever.  The new Justin Beiber movie just came out yesterday and that is all the kids are talking about.  Daddy had a run today so it was girls day out.  You girls, mommy, Melissa, Lexi, Dani and Maddie all went out to the movies.  These cute faces.....

Quickly turned WILD!  

I think you guys wore yourselves flat out waiting until 2pm to see the movie.  Hannah made it 1/2 way through and Dani most of the way before drifting to sleep!  We all stopped at Feeny's on the way back for some frozen yogurt and headed home.  Fun day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Funny Faces

Well your tooth hung on for dear life!  Seemed like days have gone by and that thing held on by a thread.  You tried really hard for 2hrs last night trying to get it out but it makes you very anxious and upset.  You get pale but your cheeks get very red and your stomach hurts so its not a fun experience. 

But finally we have it............

Your new beautiful smile! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Truth or Lie?

"Mom! Today at school we had salad for snack with dressing and juice (lie) and it was delicious." 

Wow Hannah!  That sounds cool.

"and we had crackers and water (truth).  And Justin Bieber came and everyone was excited and they asked him to marry them and they wanted to kiss him!"

Wow Hannah!  Thats sounds cool.

"really mom it was soooo fun.  I love Justin Beiber!"

You are so full of stories these days.  Some of them are very intersting stories about going to see Justin Bieber and the stage broke and he fell off and died. (I can't help but shake my head) Others are just very dramatic versions of the truth.  Either way I love the imagination and even more than that I love the wide eyes, raised eyebrows, sly grinned expressions that you give with all your stories!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Look!

See this cute little face!

Well savor it as I am....

As scary as it may be...

 We are working on a new look around here!

Stay tuned!

Spectators Welcome!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Note to self:

Remember, when you are at the doctors office for the 5th time in 6 weeks and are struggling for patience after an hour there, a flu test and a breathing treatment that there are still precious moments to savor.  Moments like when your 33lb baby asks you to just hold her. Just as your back is hurting and your arm goes numb (because she is getting far to big to be held) she falls into the sweetest sleep.  Hold her tight and just stare.  Stare as you did when she was 3months old and fit perfectly in your arms and you told yourself that you never wanted to forget that time.  That time when it took all the patience you had to get up for the 4th time and it was only 3am.  Remember this too will soon be just a moment in your memory.

Remember that it will be okay if she falls asleep on the way home at 5:15pm and she will eventually fall asleep tonight!  Smile knowing that she must have had a really exciting day. After all her and her Monkety Monk are really cute snuggled in the car seat.

Remember when you are posting a blog about mommy duties and kids projects and all the work it means for mommy, that the smile at the end of the day when your baby wears her ribbon shirt to school is priceless.  When she comes home telling you about how the kids loved it and her teacher let her go around to show her shirt to the other teachers and it was a very exciting day.

Remember when they have a big idea about a class project to run with it because the next day may be the day they tell you how nervous they were about taking their project to school because they aren't sure if the teacher will like it or if the kids will pick on her.  Then don't forget to share the lessons about working hard and being proud of what you have done no matter what the kids say and remind them that no matter what, you are proud of them.  Then remember to smile because somewhere down the line you have done something right for her to even come to you and share that she was nervous!