With 2 girls in the house, I imagined there would be many converstaions about boys. Never did I realize it would all start so young. You both found your first crush in preschool around 4yrs old. While it is all cute in the moment, it is rather scary to really think about boys!
Olivia and Elijah 2008 |
Hannah and Miles 2011
I often think about what kind of men you will pick to marry. So if I had to put my guess in early here is what I think...
Olivia will get married young and because she is "in love." I imagine it to be to her high school sweet heart. She will have a big church white wedding with lots of flowers. She will love hard and be a great wife and mother. She is very head strong and has such intuition about her but she wears her heart on her sleeve. I hope she finds someone with a gentle sole, someone who will shelter her from the storms of life. Someone honest...because she knows when you're lying!
Hannah on the other hand will take her time settling down. I imagine her "seeing the world" before she gets married and easily seeing her waiting until she is 30 or so. I think she will marry because she finds her solemate and won't settle for less. A small quaint ceremony somewhere peaceful and romantic. I hope she finds someone who calms her, someone who can keep her grounded. Someone smart and easy going...this girl's a quiet force!