Goodbye's are always hard. Today we said goodbye to Olivia's long hair. She decided last night that she wanted to get a real haircut. She found a freckle on her arm and that was the spot. When we got there her spot was about 3 inches shy of being able to give to locks of love. So she quickly agreed to go for it. We asked and measured and put it in a ponytail to show her exactly how short it would be. She was all in!
None of it mattered. As soon as the sissors snipped the first hair she change her mind and was overwhelmed with regret and anxiety. Tears came and haven't stopped all day. So sad for her. I wish of all decisions I let her make on her own it wasn't this one. Her hair has been her identity. Yesterday she wanted to be freed and said that's all people know her for. Today she is worried that noone will like her anymore because its gone.
She said tomorrow she wants to go to church and vent to God. Oh that warms my soul. I have felt helpless all day wondering how to make her feel better. As much as I wish I had an answer for her......I can't even explain how greatful I am that she finds peace in him. Peace I am unable to give but desperately want her feel today. She is growing up in so many ways.