Well Friday night you went down hill fast. Your fever spiked over 104 and scared mommy pretty bad. Yesterday was ok and your fever stayed below 102. I made you pancakes,bacon and fruit for breakfast and you ate the whole thing. Then I made you a big pot of homemade chicken soup and you gobbled that up too. Everything went well til the sun went down.
Last night was horrible. Your throat hurt to even breath let alone cough or swallow. Then for some reason the roof of your mouth was burning. Seemed like everytime you would fall asleep you would start choking and then crying and getting mad because it hurt so bad you would kick your feet real hard. Sometimes you coughed so hard it made you throw up. Yuck!
Hannah, it seemed like all was well with you until 4:30am when I heard "mommmmmyyyy." There you were burning up and sounding like the croup. After a nice warm bath and some medicine you were back to sleep next to daddy.
So we went back to the doctor today. First glimps of Olivia and they quickly began a flu test. Came back positive for Type B. Along with a bad ear infection. I am guessing the rest of your body hurt so bad you didnt notice the ear. Hannah you have a fever and you are wheezing. They said it could be the start of the flu or just a different virus. Only time will tell. For now lots of rest and icepops!
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