Can you see my sleeping beauty? This was her Friday night. We went back to the doctor for the 2nd time last week this time to find an ear infection. Little did we know she also had a tummy bug brewing in there. She woke up about 12midnight throwing up. When we realized it was going to be an all night event we quickly moved to the bathroom. Just as my mom did for me when I was little, I brought in blankets and pillows and cool rags for her forehead. A nice cold 7up for her to sip on and there we stayed til about 4am. She was so tired and tried to rest. Suddenly she would sit up, barely able to open her eyes and she would rub her tummy. I asked her was she gonna throw up and she would quietly say "yes...but not yet....its not ready yet". Its hard to see them so sick and helpless. We said a prayer at her request for God to take the germs away so she could wake up feeling better. Saturday she was weiry but nothing a long nap couldn't cure.

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