Sunday, January 20, 2013


Last night we went to the rodeo.  Girls had a blast and it was a lot more fun than we even expected.  They insisted on dressing the part and its all we heard about all day.  Hannah did well until the last 10 rides and she was begging to go home and falling asleep in my lap. 

Snow day 2013

You wouldn't know it today because it's a beautiful 60 degrees, but Thursday night we got a good 3 inches of snow.  Girls were out of school Friday and played all day in the snow with Mimi.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday family game night

Seems to be becoming a Friday night tradition that we sit around and play games all together.   Board games or computer games on our phones and readers.  One of the kids usually has One Direction playing and eventually they get very silly.  Its a lot of fun and its nice that we can all find a way to give our family an hour or two of undivided attention every week!   Life long memories!

Funny moments with Hannah take 1

Hannah to her reindeer bath sponge: "I know mouth to mouth"

Not even sure where she heard that one!