Monday, March 24, 2014

Dead Fred is gone!

We have been living with a dead ugly dangly tooth for a week now.  We named it a million things like Dead Fred, Loosey Goosey, Wiggly Giggly.  Tonight was the night it had to go!   After many years and a small panic attack whatever his name is. .... He is a goner!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Stupid time change!

We love the sunshine. We live for days we can ride bikes and "barbeque"as Olivia says.   (Not sure why that cracks me up) We can't wait for the daylight to last longer in the evening......We hate the time change.   Oh man do we hate the time change!  It took me 35mins the first morning to wake Hannah.   I turned on all the lights, dressed her, and turned on animal planet.   Nothing! I'm not sure she even woke up enough for breakfast.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014