Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy 9th Birthday Olivia

Can't even believe how fast time flies.   At the same time you are so mature for your age it is sometimes hard to believe you are only 9.  You are extremely intuitive and have a crazy memory both of which I rely on a lot of times :)  You are someone that I trust and know I can count on no matter what.   I love that most about you and I think you will always be that way.   You are sensitive, You are family oriented, You are beautiful and have the most amazing marble blue eyes and perfectly highlighted hair, you always wear a smile and have a very contagious laugh!  You love babies and enjoy helping me in the kitchen, You love meat and rarely complain.   You are awesome in school always making straight A's, You won the citizenship award for your class, 2 AG awards and the female Art award for 3rd grade that landed a piece of your work ag the state fair this year.  SO proud of you!  I love that these are traits that are yours to share with your sister and I see everyday how well you balance each other.  Continue to have a kind and patient heart little lady!

Love you Goose,

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